The highest quality has always figured prominently among the values of our company, not in vain have we successfully overcome all audits of automotive brands on a global scale since the beginning in 1998 with the UNE-EN-ISO9002 certification .
For this reason, from the moment we knew that the IATF standard would replace the previous standards as a quality benchmark for the best automotive suppliers, we did not hesitate to come back to school and get formed on all the criteria that the new standard introduced. The mandatory date of entry into force of the IATF was much later than our need for renewal, so at the beginning of 2017 we had to decide whether to continue one more year with the previous reference certificate (ISO / TS 16949) or, on the contrary, to advance the certification with the great effort and uncertainty that such a change entailed after 25 years.
To make this decision we went back to the foundations (our values) and then we did not doubt: if the new certification should help us to go up a step of excellence in management and help us in our results, why wait.
For six months all the EISA teams have worked on updating our Quality System, implementing policies and adapting records that until now were not required to be ready on D-Day that we had marked at the beginning of September 2017.
The TÜV certification body applauded our decision and encouraged us as an early adopter among its companies to pass the IATF; finally today we are in luck because we have just received the IATF certificates and we have already enjoyed a first class quality guarantee for six months.